Honorable Mention
2018 Skyscraper Competition
Alexander Nikolas Walzer

As the world population grows and cities usually expand into the surrounding areas, or because of static infrastructure form way too high urban densities, the question arises what alternatives we have at the latest after exhaustion of land reserves. The proposed project entitled “E Mare Libertas” (Latin, for Freedom from the Sea) provides a scenario of a vertically packed settlement in the port of Singapore, a state that has already exploited 92% of its building land and that is forced to create new land artificially.
随着世界人口的增长和城市通常扩展到周边地区,或者由于静态基础设施形成了太高的城市密度,问题就出现在土地储备枯竭之后最迟有什么替代方案。拟议的题为“E Mare Libertas”的项目(拉丁文“从海上出海”)提供了一个在新加坡港口垂直包装定居的情景,该国已经开发了92%的建筑用地,并且被迫创建新的人为地。
The creation of open spaces on the water, the idea of energetic self-sufficiency, a modular construction system and the inclusion of privacy represent design challenges that are playing extremely with the tension between density and freedom.
With this work, the author tries to point out the problem of our demographic future on an urban scale and to embed it in a proposal for the development of the remaining 70% of the world surface.
“E Mare Libertas” is the national motto and the name of the national anthem of the Micronation Sealand in the North Sea, on a former naval fort off the coast of Great Britain.
“E Mare Libertas”是北海密克罗尼西亚海域的国歌,也是其国歌的名称,位于英国海岸以前的一个海军堡垒。
Settlement on water widely occured on rivers and oceans throughout history, a technological example is an oil rig, which represents a closed community. Personally, I drew inspiration from the Metabolists in Japan which proposed in the 1960s to 1970s modular housing systems and organically functioning buildings, partly on the water as show in the Expo 75. For the Typology of modular housing mainly Habitat 67 served as inspiration, as well as twin skyscrapers. The addition of vast greenery onto the building is important in the zone of the equator, being exposed to strong sun exposure throughout the year. Constant temperatures of around 20-25 degrees allow for a slender façade construction. Positioned in the strait of Singapore, the building is 10-15 minutes boatride from the mainland.
For the form finding, an growth algorithm was used to emulate the growth of corals. Porosity of the structure helps to decrease wind pressure from the side while at the same time providing outdoor spaces that can be accessed via the respective unit.
A maximum difference of 3-4 meters, according to local data, is enabled by buoyant piers where boats can land. For the construction concreted hollow steel beams are used for the columns, the connections are free so moments are reduced, similar to a large inhabitable spaceframe. The knots allow mounting of a secondary steel structure of I-beams onto which the units are mounted. The structure grows in several stages, each stage being a new floor being placed. Furniture is kept flexible with wooden boxes that can take various tasks such as bathroom or kitchenette; vertical circulation is given through elevators which also house infrastructure such as pipings for air and water. The translucent façade panels allow for individual privacy settings.
根据当地的数据,最大相差3-4米的地方是船只可以降落的浮力墩。对于建筑使用混凝土空心钢梁用于柱,连接是自由的,因此减少了时间,类似于大型可居住的空间框架。这些结允许安装单元安装在其上的工字梁的二次钢结构。该结构分几个阶段增长,每个阶段都是放置一个新的地板。家具保持灵活,可以承担各种任务的木箱,如浴室或小厨房; 垂直循环通过电梯提供,电梯还容纳诸如空气和水的管道等基础设施。半透明立面面板允许个人隐私设置。