The proposal for the Meadows Salford Bridge Competition of Alex Daxböck and Chris Precht of pendareinterprets a traditional bridge typology by mixing it with a strong, visual landmark. Looking at the bridge from the side, the strucutre appears as a common suspended bridge, but getting closer to its starting points, the bridge opens up its eliptical shape and surrounds the pedestrians walking over to the Meadows.
The aim of the proposal is to create a landmark for the Salford Meadows by turning its structure of the bridge into a formal element, which will define a strong signature for the site. The design is meant to stand as a monument by balancing the tradition of Salford with the green spaces on the Meadow in an elegant, harmonious and inviting way.
该提案的目的是为Salford Meadows创建一个里程碑,将其桥梁结构变成一个正式的元素,这将为该网站定义一个强有力的签名。该设计旨在通过平衡索尔福德的传统与草地上的绿色空间,以优雅,和谐,温馨的方式,成为一座纪念碑。
A landmark not defined how people are interacting with the building, but how the building is interacting with the people. Therefore we created an icon for the Meadows which changes its appearance to people throughout the city. People in the South and North of Salford see the bridge as a disc-like object, where else for people in the eastern and western parts the bridge has a very slim and elegant appearance. Approaching from the Crescent / Chapel Street, the bridge looks like a common swing bridge suspended from a pylon. Getting closer, the bridge is opening up and the ellipses turns into a full circle inviting the visitors to the Meadow. People are interacting with the bridge without even the need of crossing it and therefore the O creates a unique experience for people living and visiting Salford and a lasting formal impression of the Meadows.
A continuously truss system is carrying a wooden finishing for a walk path and glazed, semi transparent handrails. With it‘s DDA compliant gradient of 1/20, both endings are generously widened to invite pedestrians. The walkway merges into a a terraced landscape, which can be used for sunbathing during the day and as an open air theatre at dawn. Hence its slope, the landing point of the bridge provides a great view over the Meadows.
The O – cafe was integrated into the sliced landscape with direct view to the Irwell River and the O.
O - 咖啡馆融入了切片景观,直接看到Irwell河和O.
A profiled welded steel tube, resting on 2 concrete bearings is the main structural element of the bridge. It supports and carries the structure at the same time. Carrying the loads of the bridge to the bearings, the ellipse enables the bridge to span over the Irwell River without having supporting columns within the water. To avoid forcing to many loads to the existing bridge (Chapel Street), one bearing should move to the landscape underneath the street.
一个异形焊接钢管,搁在2个混凝土轴承上,是该桥的主要结构元件。它同时支持和承载结构。将桥梁的荷载承载到轴承上,椭圆使得桥梁能跨越Irwell河,而无需在水中支撑立柱。为了避免对现有桥(Chapel Street)施加多种载荷,一个方向应该移动到街道下方的景观。
During the day, the suspension cables are reflecting the sunlight and the sun’s energy get stored in energy saving LED’s. Therefore the bridge will be glowing during the night transforming the O into a landmark for Salford 24/7.
白天,悬挂电缆反映了阳光和太阳的能量获取存储在节能的LED。因此,这座桥将在夜间将这座大桥改造成为Salford 24/7的地标。